Flo Anderson

Flo, 23, originally from London, embarked on her creative journey by delving into writing for the theatre during her university days while studying literature in Edinburgh. Immersed in the captivating realm of the Edinburgh Fringe for four years, she initially served as a PR assistant and later transitioned into a marketing role at one of the Big Four venues. Upon returning to London post-graduation, Flo honed her skills at a distinguished theatre production company before making a shift from marketing to producing.

Collaborating with an ensemble theatre group on innovative projects, including a remarkable multi-lingual R&D of Pericles, sparked her interest in exploring multi-lingual productions further. Concurrently, she engaged with a bilingual (French and English) theatre company, specializing in staging renaissance texts in unconventional settings. Presently, Flo is immersed in a thrilling musical venture with a friend, drawing inspiration from 80s synth-pop music and the quirky world of bad dates to ignite their creative sparks.