Prioritising the feminine nature of collaboration and creation.
Fem Devising Lab is a non-profit (Association Loi 1901) in Paris, France founded in 2022. Each year, we promote and develop international artists based in Paris who aspire to prioritise the feminine nature of collaboration and creation. Our Artists and staff collaborate together to create our Community and Patron Events, as well as FDL Productions.
At FDL, we do not claim to have one definition of feminine nature, as each of our artists defines it differently. It is a constant exploration and discovery for each process and project. However, in our association, feminine nature is not limited to one body, gender, or identity; it is seen as more of an energy that one can tap into, akin to Yin nature. We, as artists, observed that while many women were starting to attain leadership roles in the industry, the problem of not valuing feminine nature still persisted. Thus, individuals who naturally lean towards a more feminine nature feel obligated to utilize a masculine (Yang) energy to gain respect and power.
At FDL, we strive to create spaces where all members can maintain their authentic energy and still find themselves in leadership roles. Furthermore, we aim to break down traditional structures of creation and collaboration to explore avenues that are more conducive to valuing all natures.
Each year, we accept 25 artists who will be in collaboration and supported by FDL. Each month, the Artists meet together to share their craft, collaborate, develop, and/or learn something new. Events for our Patrons and community are run by the Artists. Artists can collaborate together to make an FDL Produced Production.
As an FDL Patron, you will have exclusive access to productions, lectures, events, behind the scenes content, and Q&A's with special guests! This patronship is for those who want to be a part of the FDL process and learn about how they apply it to their practice or collaborate with us. Our Patrons are invited to our Assembly General to get updates about the association.
Our Friends get exclusive insight into our upcoming projects and processes. They get free access to community events, but do not have access to Patron Events. We will open polls and listen to your feedback to future projects, and receive discounts and special offers! With your contribution, we can up keep our platforms and help our community grow! Our Friends are invited to our Assembly General to get updates about the association.
These events, which can be in the form of a workshop, lecture, play reading, showcase, etc, are open to the public. Patrons and Friends have free access, but anyone else interested can pay a one time fee to join.